#P4267. [USACO18FEB] Taming the Herd G

    ID: 3221 Type: RemoteJudge 1000ms 125MiB Tried: 0 Accepted: 0 Difficulty: 5 Uploaded By: Tags>动态规划,dp2018USACO枚举

[USACO18FEB] Taming the Herd G


Early in the morning, Farmer John woke up to the sound of splintering wood. It was the cows, and they were breaking out of the barn again! Farmer John was sick and tired of the cows' morning breakouts, and he decided enough was enough: it was time to get tough. He nailed to the barn wall a counter tracking the number of days since the last breakout. So if a breakout occurred in the morning, the counter would be 00 that day; if the most recent breakout was 33 days ago, the counter would read 33. Farmer John meticulously logged the counter every day.

The end of the year has come, and Farmer John is ready to do some accounting. The cows will pay, he says! But something about his log doesn't look quite right...

Farmer John wants to find out how many breakouts have occurred since he started his log. However, he suspects that the cows have tampered with his log, and all he knows for sure is that he started his log on the day of a breakout. Please help him determine, for each number of breakouts that might have occurred since he started the log, the minimum number of log entries that must have been tampered with.


The first line contains a single integer NN (1N1001 \leq N \leq 100), denoting the number of days since Farmer John started logging the cow breakout counter. The second line contains NN space-separated integers. The iith integer is a non-negative integer aia_i (at most 100100), indicating that on day ii the counter was at aia_i, unless the cows tampered with that day's log entry.


The output should consist of NN integers, one per line. The iith integer should be the minimum over all possible breakout sequences with ii breakouts, of the number of log entries that are inconsistent with that sequence.


一大清早,Farmer John就被木材破裂的声音吵醒了。是这些奶牛们干的,她们又逃出牛棚了! Farmer John已经厌烦了奶牛在清晨出逃,他觉得受够了:是时候采取强硬措施了。他在牛棚的墙上钉了一个计数器,追踪从上次出逃开始经过的天数。所以如果某一天早上发生了出逃事件,这一天的计数器就为00;如果最近的出逃是33天前,计数器读数就为33。Farmer John一丝不苟地记录了每一天计数器的读数。

年末到了,Farmer John准备做一些统计。他说,你们这些奶牛会付出代价的!然而他的某些记录看上去不太对劲……

Farmer John想要知道从他开始记录以来发生过多少次出逃。但是,他怀疑这些奶牛篡改了它的记录,现在他所确定的只有他是从发生出逃的某一天开始记录的。请帮助他求出,对于每个从他开始记录以来可能发生的出逃次数,他被篡改了的记录条数的最小值。

输入格式(文件名:taming.in): 输入的第一行包含一个整数NN1N1001 \leq N \leq 100),表示从Farmer John开始对奶牛出逃计数器进行计数以来已经经过的天数。 第二行包含NN个空格分隔的整数。第ii个整数是一个非负整数aia_i(不超过100100),表示在第ii天计数器的数字是aia_i,除非奶牛篡改了这一天的记录条目。

输出格式(文件名:taming.out): 输出包含NN个整数,每行一个。第ii个整数为所有发生ii次出逃的事件序列中,与该事件序列不一致的记录条目条数的最小值。

1 1 2 0 0 1


If there was only 1 breakout, then the correct log would look like 0 1 2 3 4 5, which is 4 entries different from the given log.

If there were 2 breakouts, then the correct log might look like 0 1 2 3 0 1, which is 2 entries different from the given log. In this case, the breakouts occurred on the first and fifth days.

If there were 3 breakouts, then the correct log might look like 0 1 2 0 0 1, which is just 1 entry different from the given log. In this case, the breakouts occurred on the first, fourth, and fifth days.

And so on.

Problem credits: Brian Dean and Dhruv Rohatgi